Join other parents and Community Members and meet with the Administrative Staff at SCI in a relaxed environment. The meetings are held monthly in the SCI Library. All are welcome. If you have a topic of interest or would just like to meet and share ideas in a comfortable atmosphere, please come out. This is a great opportunity to learn about your child's school. Contact Person is Theresa Spapens, 755-2643.

The next meeting dates will be posted on the sci website calendar. There is also a mail box for the Parent Council in the school office if you have any information you would like to drop off.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Meeting Minutes

SCI Advisory Council for School Leadership

Meeting Minutes for Thursday February 23rd, 2006 ( approved at mtg. of March30/06)

In attendance: Doraine Wachniak, Chair; Marian McGurran-Scott, Recording Secretary;

Pat Ilchena, Principal - SCI; Monica Biggar, Vice-Principal - SCI; Sammy Low, Student Council President - SCI; Gisele Parker, Carol Derhak, Nikki Bertrand, Gladys Hayward Williams

Welcome & Introductions: Doraine Wachniak

1. Accept Agenda as presented - No additions

2. Accept Minutes of January 12th, 2006 meeting - Tabled to March meeting

3. Financial Statement - No changes - tabled to March meeting

4. Student Council Update - Sammy Low

A) Matchmaker questionnaire - who are you compatible with? Just for fun!

B) Dodge ball tournament - Just for fun!

C) $8000.00 in funds from September - have not decided where to allocate the funds - possible ideas - signage, exercise equipment for students, or leadership scholarships

D) Hoja -an a-capella group coming to present to students/staff in April

E) Maria - SCI sponsored child - raise funds for this program

5. Old Business:

A) Review of PAC recommended changes to Division “Public Concern Protocol” The DRAFT changes proposed by the council were presented and reviewed. Documents will be forwarded to the Sunrise School Division on Monday, February 27th, 2006.

B) Review Parent Survey process - copies of 1990 survey and the most recent survey were handed out. Our focus will be on the SCI School Plan. General discussion - survey will be involve - Students Staff and Parents. Questions will be presented and survey will be developed based on the four most common areas of interest. Each group will be given a survey (ie)students, staff and parents developed for their group. Survey will be given to Students in S1 & S4, all staff and mailed to parents of students in S1 & S4. Survey will also be available on line on the SCI website.

Gladys will work on the survey.

Time Line: -March 23 questions to be given to Gladys

-April 3 surveys will be distributed,

-April 17 surveys to be returned,

-April 27th survey results discussed at SCI - PAC meeting. -May 19th Survey results will be presented at the SCI

School Planning meeting.

SCI ACSL mtg minutes of Feb.23/06 pg. 2 0f 2

C) Report on Ownership Linkage Meeting - February 16th, 2006 - Tabled

D) Update on Shared Services Agreement and Vocational Programming - Tabled

E) April 20th,2006 Meeting at Board Office - Special needs programming

6. New Business:

A) Manitoba Association of Parent Councils Resolutions for AGM 2006 - Tabled

B) Budget Presentations - Invitation to parents scheduled for February


C) Principal Report - Pat Ilchena reported on the changes to Time Tables for students for the 2006 - 2007 SCI school term.

March 27th,2006 deadline for course submission.

Time Tables will be attached to report cards at the end of June. If re-scheduling needs to be done (ie) student failed pre-requisite course, etc. these changes will take place the beginning of July.

July 4 - call-in day to arrange an appointment with the councillor, July 5 - 7 - appointment days.

August 23 - 25 - call-in to arrange an appointment with the councillor and August 30 - September 1 - appointment days.

Staff will work with students to ensure course selection in made on time and complete.

D) Reschedule March meeting - date changed to March 30th, 2006.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:04 pm.

Minutes recorded by M. McGurran- Scott