Join other parents and Community Members and meet with the Administrative Staff at SCI in a relaxed environment. The meetings are held monthly in the SCI Library. All are welcome. If you have a topic of interest or would just like to meet and share ideas in a comfortable atmosphere, please come out. This is a great opportunity to learn about your child's school. Contact Person is Theresa Spapens, 755-2643.

The next meeting dates will be posted on the sci website calendar. There is also a mail box for the Parent Council in the school office if you have any information you would like to drop off.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Minutes- Dec.7/09

SCI Advisory for School Leadership
December 7,2009

Attendance: Caroline Smith, Eric Andersson, Mike Lawson,Bryan Smith, Pat Ilchena, Monica Biggar, Chris Szun, Donna Walby-Lawson, Ross Martin, Kathy Andersson, Donna Pronishen,Nikki Bertrand, Gladys Hayward- Williams. Guest Speaker: Wayne Leckie. Regrets: Gary Walker.

Appreciative Inquiry – Wayne Leckie explained the process by which the school board uses to facilitate improvements around learning, building a plan around what is working well, and implementation of ideas.

Call to Order: By Donna Pronishen at 7:25pm

Approval of agenda: Additions- Field of visions, H-squared
Moved by Ross Martin, 2nd Kathy Andersson. Carried.

Approval of Minutes: Addition of Caroline Smith and Monica Biggar to attendance, clarification made in Principals report in regards to FOR Club. Ross Martin made motion to accept changes, 2nd by Caroline Smith. Carried.

Student Council: FOR Club continuing to evolve- slow process due to increased absences related to flu season. Dec.19-Christmas Hampers, Special needs students have been added to the Student Council,
Dec.14-Spirit week

Principal’s report: SCI putting together 21 hampers, donations made to Powerview families hard hit with many lay offs this year. Dec.10- Holiday concert, Dec.11-Fundraiser to support student trip to Quebec. Dec.16- Delivery of hampers, Jan.5th Olympic torch coming through Oakbank.

Correspondence: Cheque for $125.00 accepted from SSD.

Business arising from Minutes:
-SADI-some teachers interested in accepting this program into their curriculum.

-Lunch monitoring –Contract reviewed by Wayne Leckie, total number of hours (7hrs.) to be utilized at the discretion of SCI administrations. Posters to go out to community to advertise positions.

-PHN-consent forms to be part of Registration package. Christine Brooks has set up a meeting with Caroline Smith, Monica Biggar, and other members of NEHA in January, to discuss the vision of this program.

-FOR Club-Peer helpers, Bendigae attended Suicide Prevention Conference, inclusion of special needs students, promotion of school spirit- Banner to be put up in view for the students, student leaders to present to the ACSL in the future.
-Lock down safety concern- exterior door repair complete. Pat Ilchena reported that during drill- no sight lines identified. Outside windows identified as possible risk during a lockdown.

-Smoking area-moved further south to help resolve issues with neighbouring business owner, and to announce when a funeral is taking place to help remind students to not loiter, traffic issues continue to be a concern brought forth by council.
-Thank you to Kathy Andersson for donation of microwave and cart.

-Field of Visions-Mike presented- construction proposed to begin Spring 2010. Feb.20/09- Fundraiser Dinner and Dance with a concert by Harlequin. More information to follow.

-H squared – local business interested in putting healthy snack choices in school, Mike to arrange meeting with Chris Szun.

Date of Next Meeting: Jan.18/09 at 6:30pm.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm. by Ross Martin