Join other parents and Community Members and meet with the Administrative Staff at SCI in a relaxed environment. The meetings are held monthly in the SCI Library. All are welcome. If you have a topic of interest or would just like to meet and share ideas in a comfortable atmosphere, please come out. This is a great opportunity to learn about your child's school. Contact Person is Theresa Spapens, 755-2643.

The next meeting dates will be posted on the sci website calendar. There is also a mail box for the Parent Council in the school office if you have any information you would like to drop off.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Minutes- November 9, 2009

SCI Advisory Council for School Leadership
November 9,2009

Attendance:Donna Walby Lawson, Mike Lawson, Kathy Andersson, Bryan Smith, Eric Andersson, Tammy Magura, Lydia Moroz, Jackie Armes, Pat Ilchena, Karen Carey, Ivy Guenther, Nikki Bertrand, Chris Szun, Donna Pronishen, Wayne Leckie, Roxanne Lapointe, Scott Faris, Shaun Brooks, Caroline Smith, Monica Biggar. Guest Speaker: Leslie Strandlund
Regrets: Gary Walker, Ross Martin.

Presentation by Leslie Standlund from Survivors Hope Crisis Centre. This is a program that is part of NEHA, it runs workshops within the Sunrise School Division as part of the Health Curriculum in Grades 10&12 .The workshops are to help educate teens about topics such as identifying healthy relationships, harassment, relationship violence etc. After further discussion the ACSL and SCI Administration agreed that this would be a very beneficial addition to our Health curriculum. Pat Ilchena to look into setting up program for next semester.

Call to Order: at 7:05pm by Donna Pronishen
Approval of Agenda: Motion (1) Kathy Andersson approved, Nikki Bertrand 2nd to add to the agenda- Wellness Item, Microwaves, Lock down safety concerns. Carried.
Approval of Minutes: Oct.5/09 Motion (2) Donna Walby Lawson moved to accept Minutes, 2nd by Kathy Andersson. Carried.

Student Council Report: Rachel’s challenge was well attended by students and the community, thank you to The Kinsmen for their bbq donation for this event. The FOR CLUB had approx.75 students in attendance and will meet next week to work on providing a student support group. For Halloween SCI students along with the help of Mr. Kitching-collected 1200 non perishable food items to donate to the local food bank. Grad pictures- Nov.17th

Principal’s Report: Nov.14th was Take your Kids to Work for the Grade 9’s. Nov.10th Remembrance Day Service. Newsletter went out by e-mail and also with report cards-Mrs. Biggar has been working on this, it was well received by the Parent Council.
Mrs. Biggar also spoke on the responses to the presentation by the SCI Administration (Oct.5 PAC meeting), as well as she discussed how the SCI Administration deals with the behavioural issues, including bullying. (Please see Code of Conduct on the SCI Website).
SCI Student Council and Peer Helpers has developed a FOR CLUB that is working on school goals ,as well as enhancing a more positive, healthy school environment. Donna Pronishen asked if perhaps this group /teachers would be able to present their plan to the Parent Council and perhaps have parents included in this process- Monica Bigger will extend this request to the team leader (Mrs. Carriere), and will get back with a response to the ACSL.

Treasurer’s Report: $125.00 request from SSD completed and sent.
Correspondence: Budget Submission Nov.12/09,

Business arising from Minutes:
Lunch Monitoring- presently have 4- 1 hour lunch monitors, SCI has funding for 7, discussion about options with Wayne Leckie- he mentioned looking into the wording of the contract to perhaps not be so strict in saying lunch hour monitoring, at this time,SSD has to follow the guidelines of this contract? Also mentioned was to have a split lunch hour to get around this-SCI administration stated this would be an extremely difficult task due to the complex timetable, and some courses may be unavailable to students. PHN consents 215 consents total from last year as well returned, 19 of which were “no” out of 731 students; consents are only valid for 1 year. Drug and Alcohol Policy- SSD basically uses their “Code of Conduct” for this issue, Wayne Leckie along with the Trustees are in the process of reviewing SSD process and policies. AFM part time worker- in the ACSL top priority budget submission. Smoking area –Pat requested this issue be reviewed by subcommittee again, will contact Caroline Smith, issue tabled. Teacher Rep.-ACSL thanking Scott Faris for volunteering.
New Business:
Communication to parent- positive response from parents in regards to newsletter, e-mail etc.Suggestion made that perhaps Mrs. Guenther could use the synervoice in order to reduce the amount of time used to communicate to the German speaking families. Safety concerns during lockdown- a parent brought forward a concern that there is a vulnerable area close to the computer lab that should be assessed by the administration, also Wayne Leckie mentioned that that they are in the process of also reviewing this policy and procedure, Pat Ilchena to look into this concern and get back to the parent council. Microwaves- Shaun Brooks has access to donated microwaves and will pass a few along to SCI. Wellness Centre- Donna Pronishen discussed previous letter submitted by the tri- school area. Motion (3) Kathy Andersson moved that letter to the RM be resubmitted prior to council meeting on Nov.19.2nd by Caroline Smith. Carried.
Next meeting: Monday, Dec.7/09 @6:30 pm.
Meeting adjourned @ 9:45pm.