Join other parents and Community Members and meet with the Administrative Staff at SCI in a relaxed environment. The meetings are held monthly in the SCI Library. All are welcome. If you have a topic of interest or would just like to meet and share ideas in a comfortable atmosphere, please come out. This is a great opportunity to learn about your child's school. Contact Person is Theresa Spapens, 755-2643.

The next meeting dates will be posted on the sci website calendar. There is also a mail box for the Parent Council in the school office if you have any information you would like to drop off.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Meeting Minutes

Springfield Collegiate Institute Advisory Council for School Leadership

September 21, 2006

Meeting Minutes

Parents Attendance: Doraine Wachniak, Gladys Hayward Williams, Roxanne Lapointe, Cindy Lacroix, Jim and Mary Matthewman, Sheila Bauer, Lorna Verschoore, Nikki Bertrand, Joan Charles, Diane Duma, Kayla Heselwood (U of W student)

Regrets: Ingrid Wasylenko

Administration Attendance: Mr. Pat Ilchena(Principal), Mrs. Monica Biggar(Vice-Principal), Mr. Chris Szun(Vice-Principal)

Tour of School

Discussions focused on changes to the physical site, synervoice(some parents have not received their messages they were directed to call the office and speak with Diane Van Damme), computer upgrades and use.


Accept Agenda

School Plan:

There was a sharing of information about what the School Plan is and how parents are involved in the event. Parents, students and staff participate annually to discuss their priorities for the school. Mr. Ilchena mentioned that the school staff would be looking at the details of the school plan during the professional development day scheduled for Sept. 22, 2006. School Plans are submitted to the Division. Details about the 2006-07 SCI School Plan can be made available at the next meeting.

Student Registration/Course Selection:

There was a sharing of information with parents about concerns raised on the council last fall (05) regarding the large number of students(over 550) requesting course changes. Mr. Ilchena reported that this year that number was down by about 100. A number of strategies were implemented last spring, summer and fall to address the issue. The unofficial student number as of this date is 715 and Mr. Ilchena shared with the parents a number of factors which play into the scheduling challenge. One parent expressed an interest in knowing why her child would be scheduled for a course that they had not requested. There was no definitive answer to that question.


There was a discussion which focused on the purpose, notification and the need for the school to follow the divisional policy on field trips by acquiring parental consent around this type of event. Concerns were generally focused on the lack of notification. Mr. Ilchena agreed that the school did not adequately notify parents and that he would need to examine this event further to address the future of the walk-a-thon at SCI.


Parents expect that there be reasonable notice given about the Walk-a-thon, this notice should include all pertinent information such as the purpose, time, and intended use of the funds raised. It should also follow the Division’s policy as it relates to parental consent for field trips.

Doraine Wachniak 2nd Nikki Bertrand Carried Unanimously

Additional comments about the event included:

  • Event was to help build relationships across grade levels and between staff and students. One comment suggested that the purpose of the event was a good one but was there ways that this could be accomplished other than the walk-a-thon.
  • This event was started 33 years ago with a population of 200 and some odd students maybe it is time to consider modification to such an event now that the school population is over 700.

Parent Council Representation:

The council requires someone to step in to take lead of agendas and chairing of meetings. With many new faces there was a hope that someone would come forward to take these responsibilities. Council meetings were set for the following dates;

October 19th, November 16th, January 18th, February 15th, March 15th, April 19th, May 17th (General Elections) (December and June are months that there is not usually a parent council meeting.)

Diane Duma will fill out a school usage form.

Financial Update Tabled.

Physical Education Guest Tabled

Nutrition Initiative Tabled

Adjourned 8:20 pm Min. Recorded by Doraine Wachniak

Min. Approved 19/10/06